Sunday, September 9, 2012

2L. (still hell).

Hello Lovers and Friends!

I haven't posted a new entry in quite some time, so I thought I'd take pen to paper (or fingertips to the keyboard). Since my last post, I've left the Dominican Republic for fabulous Georgia (*read lots of sarcasm here*)!

My summer in the Dominican Republic was nothing short of AMAZING and easily the best time of my life. I spent an entire summer under the Caribbean sun, meeting beautiful people, and dancing all the merengue, bachata, and salsa that my heart desired. I'll miss the tostones that I bought for breakfast for 20 pesos (about fifty cents), the nearly 100% humidity on any given day, and the sweltering heat of our un-air conditioned living room. While my internship wasn't ideal, I will truly miss the people that I worked with, namely our driver for the summer, Dany. Dany was like our Dominican dad! Leaving the island really felt like I was leaving a piece of me behind and it's safe to say that my roommates felt about the same. My roommate from NYC, the one from Romania, L and I decided that in five years we will have an InteRDom reunion trip to Punta Cana, DR to recap the good times from this past summer!

Since being back in Georgia (now for the dull part), my life has been super busy. This semester I'm taking five courses, including a civil externship. 2L year has been way busier than my first year (but thank God I made it!). Besides all that boring law stuff, a girl's still got to find time to have fun, which I always do. Specifically, my roommate and I have birthdays coming up in the next week, so this coming weekend is sure to be epic.

Although I'm still managing to enjoy myself this semester despite my schedule, I absolutely cannot wait until January! On January 3, my friend K, L, and I set sail (well, fly) to the UK where will study for five months as part of a study abroad program at my law school. It's seems so surreal that I'll be living on the other side of the world for so long, but I am so ready! The girls and I are already planning our Spring Break trip-- we're thinking Spain and maybe Morocco-- and another week long trip to Italy after the program ends. (Paris and other nearby cities will be tackled on the weekends). I should be focusing on the semester at hand, but as the months continue to fly by, I find myself thinking about it more and more.

As you can tell from reading all of this, there pretty much isn't anything going on in my life right now but school. That's probably a bad thing, but whatever. Looking forward to (FINISHING) this semester and all that it has to offer.


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