Friday, April 6, 2012

Usual Friday night...

It's a typical Friday night for me-- TV tuned to TLC mindlessly watching Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings, computer in lap... Well, let me not say typical, if I could I'd be out right now, but I decided to stay in. Anywho, as I haven't blogged in a little over a week, I just wanted to get a few words down.

So just last week, I decided to apply for this program at my law school and if I'm accepted, I'd be studying in Oxford, England for FOUR MONTHS! How fabulous would that be?! While I've never had a strong desire to go to England, say it with me... "Location, location, LOCATION!" I could go to  Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, etc... all for about $300 or less ROUND TRIP!!! While I know I would actually still be in school, that opportunity sounds just too good to pass up. I'm a jetsetter at heart and I love to travel. This has my name written all over it and besides, the passport could use a few more stamps. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that I'm accepted. (My goal is to physically be at my law school as little as possible. Fall externship and DC 3L year... Praying on it!).

More school related news? I'm running for a position on the Executive Board of my school's Black Law Students Association Chapter. BLSA has been so good to me thus far, and I can't wait to be able to help out the chapter and the new first years coming in in the fall.

Umm... I actually don't have anything else to talk about so I'm just gonna dip now. Oh yeah, last thing-- 57 days until Santo Domingo! 

Ciao bellas.



  1. I love Say Yes to the Dress! I was watching that tonight also! ;) Good luck on Oxford! I want to do it 3L year I think--it would be so amazing and the travel would be the BEST! :)

    1. Thanks, girl! Hopefully I'm selected! And Say Yes to the Dress is my absolute favorite! Watch it every Friday, faithfully! lol
