Thursday, April 12, 2012

Progress for Trayvon

If you know me, you know that the Trayvon Martin case is something that I have been very passionate about since I first became of aware of this tragic situation. For almost two months, Trayvon's murderer was a free man- he hadn't been arrested and continued to live his life uninterrupted by the pain and anguish that he had inflicted upon Trayvon's family. The Special Prosecutor, Angela Corey, seemed to be taking forever to bring charges against Zimmerman, and frankly, I was losing hope that this man would ever be held accountable for his actions.

Yesterday at 6:00 PM, Corey announced in a press conference that Zimmerman would be charged with murder in the second degree! (For those that don't know, he couldn't have been charged with first-degree murder without the case being heard before a grand jury. However, that charge likely wouldn't have flown as murder in the first-degree requires that the actor have acted with the specific intent to kill- in other words, a premeditated murder). I was literally moved to tears. I couldn't help but think about what a relief that announcement must have been for Trayvon's parents, but no matter how much relief they felt, it wouldn't change the fact that they would never again have their son back. Nevertheless, an arrest was made and Zimmerman finally spent his first of (hopefully) many nights behind bars.

An arrest is definitely a step towards justice and finally a glimmer of hope in this sad situation. I can only pray that justice is served at trial so that Zimmerman will finally have to pay for his actions.


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