Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm Back!

Que lo que?

Hey guys... I'm officially done with my first year of law school! To sum the experience up in a few words, IT WAS HELL... and I mean that every bit of literally. Case briefs, the Socratic method, praying to the law school gods not to get called on in class on the days you didn't read, late nights and early mornings... It's all over (... at least for the summer, anyway). Post-1L life-- although it's only been two days-- is just fabulous. Lounging around, sleeping, shopping, what's better than this? Anywho, I took a hiatus from both blogging and Facebook to study, so now that I'm back, I'll just put down a few words....

To start off with some GREAT news, I was accepted into the Oxford Law program in England! I am so excited! Come January, I'll be studying in England, mainly classes in international law. My friend, L, was also accepted and we've already decided to cram as much travelling as we can in those four months abroad. I've already checked flight prices and round-trip ticket prices to France and Spain start at around $230-- STEAL! Who would have ever thought that I would travel so much while in law school?

And speaking of travelling, I leave for Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in just 19 days! It seems so unreal, I've been dying to go to the DR since forever. Although I've been studying Spanish for the last 8 years, I have yet to travel to a Spanish-speaking country so this is a huge milestone for me. While in the DR, I'll be interning at an insurance company in the legal department. This will be my first time working in the corporate sector so we shall see how it goes! I'm hoping that by the time I complete this internship and my fall internship that I will somewhat know what type of law I'm interested in practicing.

Once in the DR, I plan on taking in as much of the culture as possible (which, for me, mainly means food). I cannot wait to try AUTHENTIC mofongo, a fried plantain dish stuffed with various meats, and mangĂș, a boiled plantain dish, usually served for breakfast. The program recommends that we don't eat street food, but that's where the most authentic food comes from. (I may have to take my chances on that one but I definitely won't be drinking the local water!). Besides eating, I plan on travelling throughout the entire island. I'm hoping that we can go to Boca Chica (the beach closest to Santo Domingo) the first full weekend that we are on the island. I'm also planning on going on hiking excursions, taking bachata and merengue lessons, maybe a few cooking lessons, and most importantly, bettering my Spanish. 

That's pretty much it for now, though. I will def be blogging more often the closer it gets to my departure date, so stay tuned. <3. 

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